Promotional Voucher Instructions

here are the instructions for using your voucher. 

1. send your voucher number to vikkiskundalini{at}
2. which class you want to attend
3. on what date you would prefer to start your block (please mention any holidays you have this year)
4. read the blurb below and clarify anything you don't understand.
see for class details and a ''what to expect in class'' and the differences in Tantra Yoga from Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Bikram and other yogas you may have experienced.

Bring a mat and scarf/strap/belt if you have one and a blanket if you prefer. These can also be hired form venues for £1 per class. Bring comfortable clothes.
Please state if you don't wish to be added to the mailing list which is used every few months to update change of class times/offers etc, please suggest an alternative way of informing you of class times/changes/cancellations if you do not wish to be contacted by email in future. Please subscribe to the news list at and add me on facebook at Blisslightyoga Glasgow

If you have health issues you must check with your GP/specialist before beginning classes.
Blisslight yoga does not currently provide specialised classes for pregnancy or during menstruation. 

By participating in classes you profess to understand that you are well enough to practice, you are not pregnant and do not treat yoga as a sport (understanding you should work within individual ability, rest when tired and never, never practice through pain-you will build your body/system over time, whatever level you are beginning at when you come to public class.

Yoga is the science of freedom and bliss and your primary objective should be to enjoy.

Please note refunds on email group vouchers must be obtained swiftly as some companies do not allow refunds after a set cool off period which I cannot control on your behalf.  These voucher companies are a great way for you to sample a new style of yoga and me to meet prospective new students but remember they are profit making ventures....

Voucher promotions are for new students only, if you are returning to class you must join the mailing list for deals bought from myself in class, this revenue from longer term students allows me to keep teaching and meeting overheads.

If you would like one to one advise or to seek support you can catch me after class (provided I am not running off to a night shift) or arrange to meet me in the studio early. Alternately you can book one to one sessions at my premises in Woodside place near Charing cross, this is a venue to discuss whatever comes to mind as you practice, your thoughts and feelings will be met with the same caring and respect as I give to my patients in my main work with a twist of what I have relished learning during both Tantra and Happy Minds training.